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животног циклуса (Ј2ЕЕ компонента)

The framework events of a J2EE component's existence. Each type of component has defining events that mark its transition into states in which it has varying availability for use. For example, a servlet is created and has its init method called by its container before invocation of its service method by clients or other servlets that require its functionality. After the call of its init method, it has the data and readiness for its intended use. The servlet's destroy method is called by its container before the ending of its existence so that processing associated with winding up can be done and resources can be released. The init and destroy methods in this example are callback methods. Similar considerations apply to the life cycle of all J2EE component types: enterprise beans, Web components (servlets or JSP pages), applets, and application clients.

  • نوع المصطلح: اسم
  • المرادف (المرادفات)
  • مسرد المصطلحات
  • المجال / النطاق: كمبيوتر
  • الفئة: محطات العمل
  • Company: Sun
  • المنتج:
  • الاختصار-المختصر:
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Поводац (поводник или ланац) је врста конопца (или неког другог материјала) који је повезан за врат или главу животиње како би је држао под контролом.


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