Home > بنود > المقدونية (MK) > заработувачка
Remuneration (pay, wages) of a worker or group of workers for services performed during a specific period of time. The term usually carries a defining word or phrase, such as straight-time average hourly earnings. Because a statistical concept is usually involved in the term and its variations, the producers and users of earnings data should define them clearly. In the absence of such definitions, the following may serve as rough guidelines: * Hourly, daily, weekly, annual: period of time to which earnings figures, as stated or computed, relate. The context in which annual earnings (sometimes weekly earnings) are used may indicate whether the reference includes earnings from one employer only or from all employment plus other sources of income. * Average: usually refers to the arithmetic mean; that is, total earnings (as defined) of a group of workers (as identified) divided by the number of workers in the group. * Gross: usually refers to total earnings, before any deductions (such as tax withholding) including, where applicable, overtime payments, shift differentials, production bonuses, cost-of-living allowances, commissions, etc. * Straight-time: usually refers to gross earnings excluding overtime payments and (with variations at this point) shift differentials and other monetary payments.
- نوع المصطلح: اسم
- المرادف (المرادفات)
- مسرد المصطلحات
- المجال / النطاق: العمل
- الفئة: إحصاءات العمل
- Company: U.S. DOL
- المنتج:
- الاختصار-المختصر:
لغات أخرى:
ماذا ترغب أن تقول؟
مصطلحات في الأخبار
مصطلحات مميزة
"Мртва" топка
(кошаркарски термин) секоја топка која не е "жива"; претставува секогаш после постигнат кош или слободни фрлања, после секој судиски свиреж ...
معاجم متميزة
Browers Terms By Category
- الطهي(3691)
- Fish, poultry, & meat(288)
- التوابل(36)
فنون الطهي(4015) Terms
- المصارف الاستثمارية(1768)
- المصارف الشخصية(1136)
- General banking(390)
- عمليات الدمج والشراء(316)
- رهن(171)
- طرح عام أولي(137)
صناعة مصرفية(4013) Terms
- General packaging(1147)
- عبوات الكرتون المبطن بالبلاستيك(76)
التعبئة والتغليف(1223) Terms
- نشر الخشب(635)
- الخرسانة(329)
- الحجارة(231)
- الأرضيات الخشبية(155)
- البلاط(153)
- الطوب (القرميد)(40)
مواد بناء(1584) Terms
- مطاعم متفرقة(209)
- الطهي، فنون الطبخ(115)
- عشاء راقي(63)
- المطاعم(23)
- مقاهي(19)
- الكافتيريات(12)