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Born Alecia Beth Moore (September 8, 1979), an American singer-songwriter and musician. Her first album release, the R&B-oriented Can't Take Me Home (2000) garnered commercial success. Her more pop rock-oriented second studio album, Missundaztood (2001) achieved huge success worldwide. Pink released her third album, Try This, in November 2003, which although less successful commercially than her previous release, still managed to sell around 3 million copies and earned her a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance for the single "Trouble". Her fourth album, I'm Not Dead (2006), generated several hit singles, including "Stupid Girls", "U + Ur Hand" and "Who Knew". According to Billboard, Pink was rated #13 on the list of Artists of the Decade and #1 Pop Song Artist of the Decade (2000–2009). She has also scored ten Billboard Hot 100 Top 10 US hits, including eight as a solo artist, and has won two Grammy Awards, 5 MTV Video Music Awards and 2 Brit Awards.
- نوع المصطلح: اسم علم
- المرادف (المرادفات)
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- المجال / النطاق: الناس
- الفئة: الموسيقيون
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مصطلحات في الأخبار
مصطلحات مميزة
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билка (свежа напролет) Опис: Нане-како лисја, исто така, повика мелем. Слатка, лимон вкус со цитрус мирис. Користи: Џемови и желеа, салати, супи, ...
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مخبوزات(534) Terms
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- المستلزمات المكتبية(22)
- الماسحات الضوئية(9)
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التجهيزات المكتبية(281) Terms
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أتمتة(1051) Terms
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- Managed care(1521)
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رعاية صحية(89875) Terms
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