الفئة: Entertainment
Created by: dnatalia
Number of Blossarys: 60
Lego is a Danish company specializing in making interlocking plastic blocks. The company was founded by a Danish carpenter named Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1949. The name Lego itself was actually ...
Ole Kirk Christiansen 出生在 Filskov,(1891 年 4 月 7 日 — — 1958 年 3 月 11 日) 丹麦乐高集团的创始人。最初他是一个受过训练的木匠,专业从事于 1932 年,制作木制玩具然后后来他决定在 1934 年制作塑料玩具。 在 1916 年 Ole 返回到丹麦,并使用他的积蓄,购买比隆 Maskinsnedkeri og ...
Ole Kirk Christiansen nació en Filskov, Dinamarca (07 de abril de 1891 – 11 de marzo de 1958) es el fundador de The LEGO Group. Inicialmente era un carpintero capacitado, especializada en la ...
OLE Kirk Christiansen je bil rojen v Filskov, Danska (7. aprila 1891 – 11 marec 1958) je ustanovitelj skupine LEGO. Sprva je bil izučen tesar, specializirano za izdelavo lesenih igrač, leta 1932, ...
Ole Kirk Kenneth lahir di Filskov, Denmark (7 April 1891 – 11 Maret 1958) adalah pendiri grup LEGO. Pada awalnya ia adalah seorang tukang kayu terlatih, mengkhususkan diri dalam pembuatan mainan kayu ...
Ole Kirk Christiansen was born in Filskov, Denmark(April 7, 1891 – March 11, 1958) is the founder of The LEGO Group. Initially he was a trained carpenter, specializing in making wooden toys in 1932, ...
Lego Architecture Studio is a new version of Lego, and also the first version of Lego set that comes out without instructions. Inside the box includes 1200 bricks and an inspirational guidebook ...
By: dnatalia