الفئة: Food
Created by: dnatalia
Number of Blossarys: 60
Bobolink Dairy in collaboration with 3 Amish farmers make this cheese from raw milk of 100% grass-fed herds. The cheese is only available in certain months because the dairy animals graze outdoors, ...
Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano also known as Parmesans (in English), is the King of Parmesans, one of Italy's finest products. Cheese produced only in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, ...
Grana refer to a family of hard, mature cheeses from Italy that have a granular, flaky texture and are mainly used for grating. Around the world, Grana is a generic term used to define three main ...
Швейцарский сыр-это общее название для нескольких связанных сортов сыра. Это американская версия Швейцарский Эмменталь и известен как блестящая, бледно-желтый. Хотя он имеет прочную текстуру чем ...
Swiss cheese is a generic name for several related varieties of cheese. It is an American version of the Swiss Emmental and is known for being shiny, pale yellow. While it has a firmer texture than ...
Toscanello is a classic Italian cheese, called as 'Pecorino Toscano' if produced within the protected and specific region (PDO). Made using sheep's milk, Pecorino Toscano is an artisanal cheese ...
Ubriaco Prosecco is a traditional, Italian cheese made in northern Italy's Veneto region. Affectionately called "drunken cheese", it is bathed in gallons of dry and sparkling Prosecco wine ...
By: dnatalia