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bloqueo cardiaco

A condition that stops the conduction of electrical impulses through the heart. May be caused by damage to cardiac tissue or by the disease process within the electrical impulse system. Condition may be intermittent or permanent.

First-Degree Heart Block - Delay in the conduction of an atrial impulse to the ventricle through the AV-node characterized by a prolonged P-R interval on an ECG.

Second-Degree Block - Intermittent blockage of atrial impulses at the A-V node. Conduction ratios are represented by the number of P-waves versus the number of ventricular responses in an ECG. Mobitz I is a type of second-degree heart block, also known as the Wenckebach phenomenon, in which the time between the atrial and ventricular contractions (P-R interval) becomes progressively longer until a P-wave is not conducted through the A-V node. Mobitz II is a type of second-degree heart block in which the time between the atrial and ventricular contractions is a consistent P-R interval, but an occasional P-wave is not conducted through the A-V node.

Complete Heart Block - A pathologic condition in which intrinsic conduction is blocked at any level in the A-V junction. Also referred to as third-degree heart block.

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