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La Biblia

The Bible is the various collections of sacred scripture of the various branches of Judaism and Christianity. The Bible, in its various editions, is the best-selling book in history.

The Bible comprises of 66 separate books, written in three languages and written on three continents – Asia, Africa, and Europe Written over approximately 1,600 years. The Bible was written by more than 40 authors of every sort - kings, poor people, fishermen, poets, government officials, teachers, prophets. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from approximately 1500 to 400 BC.The New Testament contains 27 books written from approximately 40 to 90 AD.

The Jewish Bible, or Tanakh, is divided into three parts: 1. Five books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law") , 2. The Nevi'im ("prophets") and 3. The Ketuvim ("writings")

The Christian Bible (sometimes known as the Holy Bible) is divided into two parts. The first is called the Old Testament, containing the (minimum) 39 books of Hebrew Scripture, and the second portion is called the New Testament, containing a set of 27 books.

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