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1. A building material made of lime, silica and alumina. Can be surface-coloured or loaded with pigments for an all-through colour. Can be used to create outdoor sculptures. The sculptor will either cast his sculpture by pouring the cement into a mould made from an original piece in a softer material, or work the cement onto a metal armature or other armature from suitably rigid material using a variety of tools. 2. Any strong adhesive used to join or repair materials such as rubber cement or cellulose cement.
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- المرادف (المرادفات)
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- المجال / النطاق: فنون وصناعات يدوية
- الفئة: النحت
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المجال / النطاق: حفلات الزفاف الفئة: خدمات الزفاف
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