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A style of painting that emerged in Europe and the USA in the late 1960s, Photorealism was characterised by its painstaking detail and precision. It rejected the painterly qualities by which individual artists could be recognised, and instead strove to create pictures that looked photographic. Visual complexity, heightened clarity and a desire to be emotionally neutral led to banal subject matter that likened the movement to Pop art. Artists associated with Photorealism include the painter Chuck Close and Richard Estes. The early 1990s saw a renewed interest in Photorealism, thanks to new technology in the form of cameras and digital equipment which offered more precision. Younger artists practising this technique today include Raphaella Spence, Clive Head and Bertrand Meniel. (See also Hyper-Realism)

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المجال / النطاق: تاريخ الفئة: تاريخ العالم

Опсада ла Рошела

Хугенотско упориште на западној обали Француске, под опсадом кардинала Ришела 15 месеци 1627-28. Три четвртине становништва је умрло од глади.

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English Quotes

الفئة: Arts   2 1 بنود


الفئة: أزياء   1 12 بنود