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Ortov oblak

Vast spherical swarm of comets orbiting our Solar System from roughly 2,000 to 100,000 AU. The Oort cloud, while roughly spherical at the largest radius, is wedge-shaped where it merges with the outer planet region in the vicinity of the Kuiper belt of comets. The cloud is divided into different regions of dynamical stability: the Kuiper belt (35-50 AU; affected by planetary perturbations), a dynamically inert region (50-2000 AU; not affected by gravity of planets or stars), the inner Oort cloud (2,000-15,000 AU; affected by galactic tidal forces), and the outer Oort cloud (15,000-100,000 AU; affected by stellar perturbations). The Oort cloud has never been observed, rather its existence is inferred from the careful analysis of the orbits of comets which come in from the cloud. Recent discoveries of objects in the Kuiper belt have confirmed its existence.

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