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Of or relating to any vehicle, usually designed to carry passengers, that operates on ordinary roads and typically has four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine.
Industry: سيارات
إضافة مصطلح جديدContributors in السيارات
صمام الخانق للهواء
سيارات; السيارات
Section of a carburettor where the cross-sectional area of the main passage is narrowed to speed the airflow. It also means a device that restricts the airflow into a carburettor to enrich the fuel ...
نظام المحافظة على السرعة المضبوطة تلقائياً
سيارات; السيارات
A method of maintaining a pre-set speed as set by the driver.
وحدة توهين الحركة
سيارات; السيارات
A friction device sometimes called a shock absorber. Used for controlling and damping spring oscillations.