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Accelerators are ring-shaped or linear devices that accelerate charged particles. More powerful than any other microscope, high-energy accelerators allow physicists to study matter at the smallest scale human beings have ever seen, exposing the quarks inside a proton. At the same time, high-energy accelerators can produce collisions that recreate the conditions of the early universe, though in a much smaller volume. Creating tiny fireballs of high density and high temperature, physicists produce the particles that were abundant in the early universe, a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. More.

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المجال / النطاق: فنون وصناعات يدوية الفئة: صور زيتية

vrt naslade

Bosch's most famous and unconventional picture, The Garden of Earthly Delights was painted between 1490 and 1510. The oil painting is on three panels, ...

معاجم متميزة

MWC 2015

الفئة: تكنولوجيا   2 2 بنود


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