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Kventin Tarantino

Born Quentin Jerome Tarantino (March 27, 1963), an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and occasional actor. He began his career as an independent filmmaker in the early 1990s. His films are characterized by nonlinear storylines and the aestheticization of violence. And include Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997), Kill Bill (2003–2004), Death Proof (2007) and Inglourious Basterds (2009). Tarantino's body of work has earned him an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA and a Palme d'Or and he has been nominated for Emmy and Grammy awards.

  • نوع المصطلح: اسم علم
  • المرادف (المرادفات)
  • مسرد المصطلحات
  • المجال / النطاق: الناس
  • الفئة: المخرجون
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المجال / النطاق: الناس الفئة: الموسيقيون

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