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бенигна простатична хипертрофија или хиперплазија

The benign buildup in the prostate of "warts" or epithelial neoplasias that can block or interrupt urination, and which are usually concurrent with moderate prostate enlargement. They cause a dull ache on urination, ejaculation, and/or defecation. The diagnosis is medical, since the same subjective conditions can result from cancer of the prostate. BPH is common in men over fifty and can be the result either of diminished production of complete testosterone or poor pelvic circulation. Alcohol, coffee, speed, and antihistamines can all aggravate the problem.

  • نوع المصطلح: اسم
  • المرادف (المرادفات)
  • مسرد المصطلحات
  • المجال / النطاق: طبية
  • الفئة: طب الأعشاب
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