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The notoriously pleasure-loving Prince George, the future George IV, became Prince Regent in 1811 and then reigned from 1820 to 1830. The term Regency tends to be applied to the style of furniture and decorative art prevalent during the whole of this period. It is characterised by elements of classicism combined with Egyptian, Chinese and French Rococo influences. In architecture the range of the style is exemplified by Nash in the classicism of his terraced houses in Regents Park, London, and the oriental fantasy of his Brighton Pavilion built for the Prince. The great painter of the Regency (but not of the period overall, when Constable, Blake and Turner were all at their height) was Lawrence, Painter to the King from 1792, knighted 1815, who produced glittering but often technically deficient portraits of the leading figures of the day. More pungent views of the time found in cartoons and caricatures of Gillray, and Rowlandson, who also made erotic drawings for the Prince.
- نوع المصطلح: اسم
- المرادف (المرادفات)
- مسرد المصطلحات
- المجال / النطاق: تاريخ الفن
- الفئة: تاريخ الفن العام
- Company: Tate
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