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j тоқтауы
An aperture placed in the beam to restrict the divergence to the maximum compatible with the selected resolution. When choosing lower resolution you can improve the S/N by opening the stop. Note that in many instances there is no physically separate stop but there will be some aperture, be it the source size, or the detector active area, that acts as the system J stop.
- نوع المصطلح: اسم
- المرادف (المرادفات) jacquinot
- مسرد المصطلحات
- المجال / النطاق: كيمياء
- الفئة: التحليل الطيفي
- Company: المملكة المتحدة نيوبورت
- المنتج:
- الاختصار-المختصر:
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مصطلحات في الأخبار
مصطلحات مميزة
المجال / النطاق: المسطحات المائية الفئة: بحيرات
Гурон көлі
The second largest of the Great Lakes of North America, bounded on the west by Michigan (U. S. ) and on the north and east by Ontario (Can. ). The ...
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