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зиялы қонақ үйлер

Hotels that are identified because they have state of the art technology systems for their operations. These hotels have replaced the traditional systems to reduce their energy cost and usually have integrated systems which join analog and digital systems to achieve an effective communication in their hotels. The return on investment is reflected in the energy-cost savings and the comfort they provide to their guests.

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المجال / النطاق: جغرافيا الفئة: البلدان والأقاليم

Афон тауы

Greek mountain and pilgrimage site, known as the birthplace of early Christian Orthodox monasticism, housing around 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries. ...

معاجم متميزة

Advanced knitting

الفئة: Arts   1 23 بنود


الفئة: الدين   1 11 بنود