Home > بنود > الأرمنية (HY) > Կենտրոնական Եվրոպայի Ազատ Առևտրի Համաձայնագիր (ԿԵԱԱՀ)

Կենտրոնական Եվրոպայի Ազատ Առևտրի Համաձայնագիր (ԿԵԱԱՀ)

1. A free trade agreement initiated 2006 among Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. 2. A free trade agreement initiated 1993 among the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia, later also including Bulgaria and Romania. Its purpose was in part to reverse the bias against trade among these neighboring countries that had developed during the process of transition. This was superseded by the accession of these countries to the Europeann Union.

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