Home > بنود > البنغالية (BN) > কোকো-র পরিমান অথবা কোকো-র শতকরা হার

কোকো-র পরিমান অথবা কোকো-র শতকরা হার

The percentage of cacao or chocolate liquor in the processed chocolate. In general, the higher the cacao content, the lower the amount of sugar used in making the chocolate; and the more intense the chocolate flavor. For people who like the flavor of pure cacao, fine bars of 100% cacao content, containing no sugar, are delicious to eat and also can be eaten by those who need to restrict sugar from their diets. A higher percentage is not an indication of higher quality, only of higher concentration of whatever quality of cacao was used to begin with.

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  • المجال / النطاق: حلوى وحلويات
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المجال / النطاق: رعاية صحية الفئة: الأمراض

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