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gravedad específica

The mass of a unit volume of a substance relative to the mass of a unit volume of water. Temperature must be specified when reporting specific gravities, since the density of the substance and of water change with temperature. Specific gravities are often reported relative to water at 4°C; at that temperature, water has a density of 1.00000 g/mL and the specific gravity of a substance is equal to its density in g/mL.

  • نوع المصطلح: اسم
  • المرادف (المرادفات)
  • مسرد المصطلحات
  • المجال / النطاق: كيمياء
  • الفئة: كيمياء عامة
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المجال / النطاق: علم التشريح الفئة:


The part of the body that cannot be reached (to scratch), usually the space between the shoulder blades.


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