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софтвер уметност

In the 1960s, software programs were the digital tool with which artists could create art on computers. Since then, these programs have become so sophisticated that they can now be considered the work of art rather than just a facilitator. Software art is closely related to Net art because of its reliance of the World Wide Web as a tool for dissemination. Often Software art parodies or re-configures existing computer programs. Web Stalker, created by the art collective I/O/D was a radical re-interpretation of an internet browser and Adrian Shaw's Signwave parodied the computer program Adobe Photoshop. The rise of Software art has led to several international new media festivals, namely FILE (Electronic Language International Festival) held in São Paulo in Brazil and transmediale in Berlin. The rise of Software art has provoked questions about the de-materialisation of art and culture and how this has had an effect on the world of conceptual art. (See also Browser Art; Net Art)

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