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yll Ap
1) Peculiar A-type stars ("magnetic" A stars) that show abnormally strong lines, sometimes of varying intensity, of certain ionized metals. Recent evidence indicates that all Ap stars are slow rotators compared with normal A stars.
2) Star with spectral type A in which the lines of one or several elements are abnormally enhanced. Traditionally the most important subgroups are Si λ4200, Hg-Mn and Cr-Eu-Sr stars. The latest objects of the latter group correspond to early F-type.
3) Stars can be classified according to their surface temperatures, which determine, in large part, the spectrum of radiation they emit. A stars have surface temperatures between about 7,500 and 11,000 degrees centigrade. Peculiar A stars are A stars whose emitted radiation spectra have many of the characteristics of A stars but are peculiar in certain ways.
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