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Discovered accidentally by Man Ray and Lee Miller, solarisation is created by briefly exposing a partially developed photograph to light, before continuing processing. Man Ray quickly adopted solarisation as a means to 'escape from banality' and often applied the technique to photographs of female nudes, using the halo-like outlines around forms and areas of partially reversed tonality to emphasise the contours of the body.

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المجال / النطاق: تاريخ الفن الفئة: الفنون البصرية


A sculpted or painted portrait that comprises the head, shoulders and upper arms of the subject.

معاجم متميزة

Stanford University

الفئة: تعليم   2 5 بنود

EMA, SmPC and PIL terms in EN, FI

الفئة: العلوم   2 4 بنود