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فنون وصناعات يدوية

Arts & crafts comprises a multitude of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands, usually from scratch. They can be sub-divided into 'handicrafts'( or traditional crafts ) that are fashioned in an old style using long practised techniques, and the rest which are more modern inventions that have become recent trends or fads.

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فنون وصناعات يدوية > الخزف


فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

Low temperature, porous earthenware claybody, fires red-brown due to high iron content which also fluxes clay, making it the most durable low-fired clay after firing.

مقاومة الصدمة الحرارية

فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

Resistance to the damaging effects of thermal shock.

الزوج الحراري

فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

  A device for measurement of temperature in a kiln. Usually in the form of a special metallic wires encased in a ceramic sheath.


فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

 ملتوية سلك أحياناً يستخدمه الخزافين للأواني كورتينج من عجلة

طلاء القصدير

فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

 White opaque glaze produced with tin oxide in the glaze recipe.

أكسيد التيتانيوم

فنون وصناعات يدوية; الخزف

 Used in glazes to produce decorative crystalline effects