University League of the Hub
المجال: Education
Number of terms: 18384
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The University League was organized RT-3851 to develop the protocols that would become the Hub Conventions. The League functions as the Charter authority and adjudication body for all Convention signatories.
An Elder chosen to arbitrate a Balance-Moot. A Scaleholder may not hold karil-share in the karil being Balanced. The Balance as finally arbitrated by a Scaleholder can be appealed only to the Lyenex's Court of Justification.
(Middle Veran Pl: charit.) The native talents, inclinations, and abilities of an individual, discerned during childhood, adolescence, and early maturity by teaching Savants. Most charit are categorized loosely as either “special” or “synthestic,” based on Veran educational theory, in which “special” describes highly focused disciplines or skills, and “synthestic” describes more multi-faceted cross-disciplinary skill sets or inclinations.
An expression of cost related to the net demands of heterotrophic individuals on a karil. Can be expressed as an arbitrary assumption (ex: The life-cahrrhan of an individual of a given species,) or a specific measure (the cahrrahn of a single iteration of a resource-consumption/production cycle.) In some cases (becoming more common,) it may be attached as a descriptor or criteria for a tool, process, or product. (Ex: "While the production of powercell components is a high-zhahir right of the Mechanist's Guild, it carries a high cahrrhan that makes it infeasible for many Lords Holder or Charter Reeves to allocate.")
A kit including pre-treated cleansing wipes of quick-degrading material, and dried pill-like balls of fast-acting waste-processing enzymes activated by contact with the moisture in urine or feces.
An assessment process measuring selected data points for various subsets of kaaril elements, performed on a periodic or regular basis to track or establish standards for tracking the status of karil systems.
(Also, 'Games'.) Usually part of Solstice celebrations, Games are actually exhibitions and competitions demonstrating various skills and abilities honed by discipline to the level of Savant or Adept. The associated Little Games for children allow Savants an opportunity to assess the charit of participants.
A high-capacity processing wafer based on transuranic elements that can be processed to provide superconductivity within a high temperature-band, frequently packed together to form computing arrays.
Spiritous 白酒蒸餾從 filsi 和 hasve 的花朵。
Yimsin 山的山坡長的年度。花是採摘曬乾,然後與發酵的 filsi 醪混合和蒸餾水生產美味的酒。