US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
المجال: Forest products; Government
Number of terms: 2933
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Hydraulically operated loading boom whose mechanical action imitates the human arm.
Industry:Forest products
1. Comparatively coarse paper particularly noted for its strength; unbleached grades are used primarily as a wrapping or packaging material. 2. Paper made primarily from wood pulp produced by the sulfate pulping process.
Industry:Forest products
Area of dry land and land temporarily or partially covered by water such as marshes, flood plains, streams, sloughs, and estuaries. Canals less than 1/8 mile wide, and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds smaller than 40 acres are included as land area.
Industry:Forest products
Acres of forest land that are actually available for forest management. This involves future trends not only in forest growth but also in deletions from the land base.
Industry:Forest products
Cleared area in the woods to which logs are yarded for loading onto trucks for shipment to a processing plant. Also known as brow, deck, dock, or ramp.
Industry:Forest products
Position on the ground where a tree will fall when severed from the stump.
Industry:Forest products
1. Logging plan. 2. Position of the running lines in a cable yarding system.
Industry:Forest products
1. Block or series of blocks or rollers attached to a stationary object to guide the cable that drags logs (32). 2. Position of logs relative to the yarding distance.
Industry:Forest products
Growing shoots or sprouts of a plant or tree.
Industry:Forest products
Degree and direction to which the tree leans from a perpendicular position.
Industry:Forest products