The United States Army Corps of Engineers
المجال: Government
Number of terms: 5261
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency with a mission to provide vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen the nation's security, energize the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. It is also a major U.S. Army organization employing some 38,000 ...
Float; vor allem ein unverankertes Objekt Ankern auf den Boden, markieren Sie einen Kanal, Anker, Untiefe Rock, etc.. Einige gängige Dateitypen sind: eine Nonne oder Nut Boje ist konische Form; eine Boje ist hocken und über Wasser zylindrischen und konischen unter Wasser; eine Spar-Boje ist eine vertikale, schlanke Spar verankert an einem Ende; eine Bell-Boje, trägt eine Glocke, läuft mechanisch oder durch die Einwirkung von Wellen, in der Regel markiert Untiefen oder Felsen; eine pfeifendes Boje, ebenso betrieben, markiert Untiefen oder Kanal Eingänge; eine Boje Dan führt eine Stange mit einer Flagge oder Licht darauf.
Un galleggiante; soprattutto un oggetto galleggiante ormeggiato verso il basso, per segnare un canale, ancoraggio, shoal roccia, ecc. Alcuni tipi comuni includono: una suora o dado Boa è conica in forma; una lattina Boa è tozzo e cilindrici sopra l'acqua e conici sotto acqua; una boa spar è un spar verticale, snello, ancorato ad una estremità; una boa bell, recanti una campana, viene eseguito meccanicamente o dall'azione delle onde, solitamente segna banchi o rocce; una boa fischi, analogamente ad azionata, segna banchi o ingressi canale; una boa dan trasporta un palo con una bandiera o luce su di esso.
Float;特に、浮動オブジェクトは、チャネル、アンカー、浅瀬ロック、等をマークするの下には、係留。いくつかの一般的な種類が含まれます: 尼またはナット ブイ形; 円すい形ですことができますブイですスクワットと水上円筒および円錐水; 下スパー ブイは一方の端を固定、垂直、細長いスパーです;ベル、ベルを軸受ブイ、機械的に実行または波のアクションでは、通常、浅瀬や岩マーク;同様に運営、口笛ブイ、浅瀬やチャネルの入り口マーク;ダン ブイ フラグまたは光をポールに運ぶ。
浮点数 ;尤其是浮动对象系泊于底部,将标记通道、 锚、 滩岩等。一些常见的类型包括: 尼姑或螺母的浮标是圆锥形 ;一罐浮标是浅圆仓和水面圆柱和圆锥形下面的水 ;spar 浮标是固定在一端 ; 垂直、 细长 spar贝尔浮标,轴承的钟机械运行或由波的行动,通常标记滩涂或岩石 ;吹口哨的浮标,类似的运作,标志着滩涂或通道出入口 ;丹浮标带杆旗帜或光,它。
Un flotador; especialmente un objeto flotante amarrado a la parte inferior, para marcar un canal, anclaje, shoal roca, etc.. Algunos tipos comunes incluyen: una boya de monja o tuerca es cónica en forma; una lata boya es cuclillas y cilíndrica por encima del agua y cónico bajo agua; una boya spar es un mástil vertical, delgado anclado en un extremo; una boya de bell, teniendo una campana, se ejecuta mecánicamente o por la acción de las olas, normalmente marca cardúmenes o rocas; una boya silbida, igualmente operada, marca cardúmenes o entradas de canal; una boya dan lleva un poste con una bandera o una luz sobre ella.
Ocean currents flowing westerly near the equator. There are two such currents in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The one to the north of the equator is called the North Equatorial Current and the one to the south is called the South Equatorial Current. Between these two currents there is an easterly flowing stream known as the Equatorial Countercurrent. Tidal currents occurring semimonthly as a result of the moon being over the equator. At these times the tendency of the moon to produce diurnal inequality in the current is at a minimum.
Along coasts with obliquely approaching waves there is a longshore (wave-driven) current. For this current one can define an upstream and a downstream direction. For example, on a beach with an orientation west-east with the sea to the north, the waves come from NW. Then the current flows from West to East. Here, upstream is West of the observer, and East is downstream of the observer.
(1) The rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea; or of a river or channel, for which it is designated as right or left as the observer is facing downstream. (2) An elevation of the sea floor or large area, located on a continental (or island) shelf and over which the depth is relatively shallow but sufficient for safe surface navigation (e.g., Georges Bank); a group of shoals. (3) In its secondary sense, used only with a qualifying word such as “sandbank,” “gravelbank,” or “spoil bank,” a shallow area consisting of shifting forms of silt, sand, mud, and gravel.
On reservoirs and smaller bodies of water (1) the vertical rise in the still-water level on the leeward side of a body of water caused by wind stresses on the surface of the water; (2) the difference in still-water levels on the windward and the leeward sides of a body of water caused by wind stresses on the surface of the water. storm surge (usually reserved for use on the ocean and large bodies of water).
Mass (in kg) per unit of volume of a substance; kg/m3. For pure water, the density is 1000 kg/m3, for seawater the density is usually more. Density increases with increasing salinity, and decreases with increasing temperature. More information can be found in "properties of seawater". For stone and sand, usually a density of 2600 kg/m3 is assumed. Concrete is less dense, in the order of 2400 kg/m3. Some types of basalt may reach 2800 kg/m3. For sand, including the voids, one may use 1600 kg/m3, while mud often has a density of 1100 - 1200 kg/m3.