U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
المجال: Government
Number of terms: 11131
Number of blossaries: 0
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The CDE (HT,50) is the dose to some specific organ or tissue of reference (T) that will be received from an intake of radioactive material by an individual during the 50-year period following the intake.
Undesirable radiological, chemical, or biological material (with a potentially harmful effect) that is either airborne, or deposited in (or on the surface of) structures, objects, soil, water, or living organisms in a concentration that makes the medium unfit for its next intended use.
A gas-tight shell or other enclosure around a nuclear reactor to confine fission products that otherwise might be released to the atmosphere in the event of an accident. Such enclosures are usually dome-shaped and made of steel-reinforced concrete.
The maximum number of years that could be added to a facility’s license expiration date to recapture the period between the date the NRC issued the facility’s construction permit to the date it granted an operating license. A licensee must submit an application to request this extension. For further information, see the Staff Requirements Memorandum regarding SECY-98-296, "Agency Policy Regarding Licensee Recapture of Low-Power Testing or Shutdown Time for Nuclear Power Plants. ”
A large heat exchanger designed to cool exhaust steam from a turbine below the boiling point so that it can be returned to the heat source as water. In a pressurized-water reactor, the water is returned to the steam generator. In a boiling-water reactor, it returns to the reactor core. The heat removed from the steam by the condenser is transferred to a circulating water system and is exhausted to the environment, either through a cooling tower or directly into a body of water.
Water that has been produced by the cooling of steam in a condenser.
A chemical combination of two or more elements combined in a fixed and definite proportion by weight.
A group of two or more States that have formed business alliances to dispose of low-level radioactive waste on a regional basis. For details, see Low-Level Waste Disposal, and for locations, see Low-Level Waste Compacts.
The CEDE (H<sub>E,50</sub>) is the sum of the products of the committed dose equivalents for each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated multiplied by the weighting factors (W<sub>T</sub>) applicable to each of those organs or tissues (H<sub>E,50</sub> &#61; ΣW<sub>T</sub>H<sub>T. 50</sub>).
The sum of the individual doses received in a given period by a specified population from exposure to a specified source of radiation.