Twitter, Inc.
المجال: Computer
Number of terms: 327
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Twitter is a real-time information network powered by people all around the world that lets you share and discover what’s happening now.
Twitter people that follow each other from one social media/network to another.
Industry:Online services
Twitter people, twitter members, twitter users.
Industry:Online services
Twitter traffic.
Industry:Online services
Twitterers who tweet too much.
Industry:Online services
Twittering from a bathroom.
Industry:Online services
Twittering while waiting.
Industry:Online services
Walking while twittering via text.
Industry:Online services
What do you think it means, you dumb twitterer?
Industry:Online services
When a group of twitterers agree to get together at a set time to twitter.
Industry:Online services
When twitterers meet in person – a twitter meet up.
Industry:Online services