Tate Britain
المجال: Art history
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幀是照相製版,不需要觀景窗的使用,由鋪設感光紙上直接的物件和它暴露在光。該過程是一樣老象攝影本身,但在 20 年代初在各種前衛上下文中再次出現了。男人雷提煉和個人化的技術程度上這種新的指紋最終進行他的名字 — — rayographs。
Industry:Art history
在莫斯科和聖彼德堡從大約年激增 1910年-20 俄羅斯前衛運動之一。它是在 1912 年的蜜雪兒 · 拉裡奧諾夫和他的搭檔娜達麗婭 GoNcharova 發明。Rayonism 或 Rayism,是基於景觀的抽象藝術的一個早期的形式和組成的動態交互線性形式最終所得的光線。他 Rayonist 的繪畫夜曲拉裡奧諾夫後來寫道: 這幅畫在奧德薩的黃昏,啟發。它是一個結合的樓梯、 室內和外景的房子的問題,代表的身體半亮色調上黑顏色的壓力。這幅油畫的問題是要舉辦這些聲調按特定的順序。這是半光與暗的光線光線的衝突。'
Industry:Art history
現成是法國演出者馬塞爾 · 杜尚用於描述的藝術作品一詞他由製造物件。他最早的 readymades 包括自行車輪的 1913 年,一個輪子裝在木凳上和之前的 1915 年,斷胳膊雪鏟刻有該標題。1917 年在紐約,杜尚使他最臭名遠揚現成,噴泉,男士小便池簽署的演出者與假名字和展出了放在它的後面。以後 readymades 可以加以詳細說明,並提到了作為輔助 readymades 杜尚。背後現成的理論解釋了在一篇文章,匿名,但幾乎可以肯定是由杜尚自己,在 1917 年 5 月一期的盲人運行的前衛雜誌由杜尚和兩個朋友: ' 是否先生狗用他自己的手或不作噴泉已不重要。他選擇了它。他花了生命,普通文章和安置,因此其有用的意義下的新標題和觀點消失了 — — 創建該物件的新思想。' 有三個要點: 第一,選擇的物件本身是一種創造性的行為。第二,通過取消物件的 '有用' 的功能,它成為藝術。第三,演示文稿給出和另外一個對該物件的標題有它 '新思維',一個新的意思。杜桑的 readymades 還斷言什麼藝術,演出者由定義的原則。杜尚是有影響力的人物,達達和超現實主義,對流行藝術、 環境、 裝配、 裝置藝術、 觀念藝術和如砯 1990 年代的很多藝術的重要影響。(請參閱後現代主義)。
Industry:Art history
Until the nineteenth century Western art was dominated by the academic theory of History painting and High art (see also Grand manner). Then, the development of Naturalism began to go hand in hand with increasing emphasis on realism of subject, meaning subjects outside the high art tradition. The term Realism was coined by the French novelist Champfleury in the 1840s and in art was exemplified in the work of his friend the painter Courbet. In practice Realist subject matter meant scenes of peasant and working class life, the life of the city streets, cafes and popular entertainments, and an increasing frankness in the treatment of the body and sexual subjects. The term generally implies a certain grittiness of choice of subject. Such subject matter combined with the new naturalism of treatment caused shock among the predominantly upper and middle class audiences for art. Realism is also applied as a stylistic term to forms of sharply focused almost photographic painting irrespective of subject matter, e. G. Early Pre-Raphaelite work such as Millais' Ophelia. (See also Modern Realism).
Industry:Art history
沙龍 des 韙新軍 (新現實) 是致力於純抽象藝術在巴黎成立于 1939 年由索尼婭 · 德洛奈和其他參展社會。之後的第二次世界大戰中斷它重新成立于 1946 年再次與的索尼婭 · 德洛奈,説明,今天仍在繼續。它提供了在戰後時代同樣的焦點為抽象 Création 了戰前的抽象藝術中最純淨的傾向。名稱反映了抽象藝術的基本理念是一個新的現實,因為它不引用或模仿任何現有的現實。
Industry:Art history
The Rebel Art Centre was a short-lived affair, founded by Wyndham Lewis in London in March 1914 as a meeting place for artists to discuss revolutionary ideas and teach non-representational art. By the summer of 1914 the Centre, based at 38 Great Ormond Street in London, had closed down as a result of internal disputes. Yet, in those brief months, it had hosted an exhibition of sculptures by the prodigiously talented Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and a lecture by the writer Ezra Pound. Originally set up as a rival to Roger Fry's art and design collective Omega Workshops, the Rebel Art Centre pursued a hotly militant form of Futurism that was to become known as Vorticism. Its members numbered the Omega defectors Frederick Etchells, Cuthbert Hamilton and Edward Wadsworth and the painter Kate Lechmere. The centre featured geometric murals painted by Lewis and screens designed by Christopher Nevinson. Little collective art was produced at the centre, but it became the early headquarters of the Vorticists and the radical art publication Blast.
Industry:Art history
臭名遠揚地快樂愛喬治王子,喬治四世,未來 1811 年成為攝政,然後從 1820 年到 1830年登基。詞麗晶酒店往往適用于傢俱和裝飾藝術在這一時期的整個期間普遍存在的樣式。它描繪為元素的古典主義與埃及、 中國和法國洛可哥式的影響相結合。在體系結構中的樣式的範圍體現了納什在他露臺的房子在攝政公園、 倫敦和他為王子建的布里奇頓亭子的東方幻想的古典主義。偉大的畫家在攝政的 (但不是期總體來看,當警員、 布萊克和特納還都在他們的高度的) 是勞倫斯,畫家對國王從 1792 年授予爵位 1815 年,生產技術上經常不足天的領導人物肖像閃閃發光。在漫畫和吉爾雷,和 Rowlandson,也作色情圖畫為王子漫畫中找到的時間的更辛辣意見。
Industry:Art history
法國館長尼古拉斯 Bourriaud 出版了一本書,在 1998 年中,他描述了作為意思一詞叫做關係美學 ' 一套藝術的做法,採取作為其理論和實踐起點人類關係和社會環境的制約,而不是獨立和私人空間的整體。' 他作為調解人,而不是決策者看到演出者和藝術視為演出者和觀眾之間交換資訊。演出者,在此意義上,讓觀眾進入權力和手段來改變世界。Bourriaud 引阿嬌服裝、 菲力浦 · Parreno、 道格拉斯 · 戈登和利亞姆吉的藝術作為演出者,他們對這一議程的工作。
Industry:Art history
Industry:Art history
French word meaning rebirth, now used in English to describe the great revival of art that took place in Italy from about 1400 under the influence of the rediscovery of classical art and culture. In Italian, Rinascimento. Renaissance reached its peak (High Renaissance) in short period from about 1500-1530 in the work of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael. The work of Raphael may be seen as representing the purest form of the Renaissance style and he was held up as prime model in the art academies until mid nineteenth century when revolt began with e. G. Pre-Raphaelites, Realism, Naturalism, Impressionism. Up to then the Renaissance style underwent myriad successive transformations as in Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neo-Classicism, Romantic movement.
Industry:Art history