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المجال: Art history
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Family name of dynasty that from 1485 to 1603 provided five British monarchs from Henry VII to Elizabeth I (Elizabethan). As cultural term tends most usually to refer specifically to reign of Henry VIII and his two immediate successors Edward VI and Mary I. Art in England during Henry's reign exemplified by Holbein who created iconic image of the King (National Portrait Gallery, London). Holbein had English follower, Bettes. Holbein succeeded by Scrots as court painter to Henry, and then Edward. Mary's court painter was Eworth, who remained active well into reign of Elizabeth and is now seen as a dominant figure of the time.
Industry:Art history
First used in relation to the cultural phenomenon of the 1960s and early 1970s, exemplified in what was called the underground press, magazines like Oz, International Times, East Village Otherand The San Francisco Oracle and in the comix of West Coast America. Its precursors were the Beat Generation and the Paris Existentialists, groups that were perceived to exist outside or on the fringes of popular culture. These days the term Underground art is used to describe a subculture of art, like Graffiti art or Comic Strip art. Since the late 1990s the Internet has become a forum for underground art thanks to its ability to communicate with a wide audience for free and without the support of an art establishment. (See Net art)
Industry:Art history
British group formed by Paul Nash in 1933 to promote modern art, architecture and design. At this point the two major currents in modern art were seen as being abstract art on the one hand and Surrealism on the other. Unit One embraced the full spectrum, Nash himself making both abstract and Surrealist work in the mid 1930s and played a major part in organising the International Surrealist Exhibition in London in 1936 (British Surrealism). The launch of the group was announced in a letter from Nash to The Times newspaper, in which he wrote that Unit One was 'to stand for the expression of a truly contemporary spirit, for that thing which is recognised as peculiarly of today in painting, sculpture and architecture'. The first and only group exhibition was held in 1934 accompanied by a book Unit One, subtitled The Modern Movement in English Architecture, Painting and Sculpture. It consisted of statements by all the artists in the group, photographs of their work, and an introduction by the critic and poet Herbert Read, who was an important champion of modernism in Britain. The other artists involved were Armstrong, Bigge, Burra, Hepworth, Moore, Nicholson, Wadsworth and the architects Welles Coates and Colin Lucas.
Industry:Art history
Pergamena e pergamena sono fatti dalle pelli di vitelli, capre e pecore. Mentre non vi è alcuna netta distinzione tra i due, velina è generalmente una qualità più fini di pergamena, poiché è fatto da pelli più giovani e così è più liscia e ha follicoli dei capelli più fini o meno. Pergamena, fatto da pelli di animali più anziani, tende ad essere più grossolana.
Industry:Art history
The Vorticists were a British avant-garde group formed in London in 1914 by the artist, writer and polemicist, Wyndham Lewis. Their only group exhibition was held in London the following year. Vorticism was launched with the first issue (of two) of the magazine Blast which contained among other material two aggressive manifestos by Lewis 'blasting' what he considered to be the effeteness of British art and culture and proclaiming the Vorticist aesthetic: 'The New Vortex plunges to the heart of the Present' we produce a New Living Abstraction'. Vorticist painting combines Cubist fragmentation of reality with hard-edged imagery derived from the machine and the urban environment, to create a highly effective expression of the Vorticists sense of the dynamism of the modern world. It was in effect a British equivalent to Futurism, although with doctrinal differences, and Lewis was deeply hostile to the Futurists. Other artists were Lawrence Atkinson, Jessica Dismorr, Cuthbert Hamilton, William Roberts, Helen Saunders, Edward Wadsworth, and the sculptors Jacob Epstein and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. David Bomberg was not formally a member of the group but produced major work in a similar style. The First World War brought Vorticism to an end, although in 1920 Lewis made a brief attempt to revive it with Group X.
Industry:Art history
The process of joining two pieces of metal by softening or melting both surfaces to be joined by the application of heat.
Industry:Art history
A printmaking method distinct from woodcut in that the line is incised into the woodblock, rather than the background being cut away to leave a line in relief. So it is an intaglio method. Wood engraving is usually done on the end grain of a block of boxwood, which is very hard, and so extremely fine detail is possible. Wood engraving became widely used in the nineteenth century as a method of reproducing pictures in books, newspapers and journals before the invention of photo-mechanical methods of reproduction, but was also occasionally used by artists, such as Edward Calvert, as an original printmaking medium.
Industry:Art history
A method of relief printing from a block of wood cut along the grain. The block is carved so that an image stands out in relief. The relief image is then inked and paper placed against its surface and run through a press. It is possible to make a woodcut without a press (Japanese Ukiyo-e prints for example) by placing the inked block against a sheet of paper and applying pressure by hand. Woodblock printing was used in Europe from the twelfth century, at first for printing textiles, though images were printed on paper by the late fourteenth century.
Industry:Art history
Un gruppo artistico d'avanguardia russo promosso attraverso il giornale dello stesso nome che correva dal 1898 al 1905. Serge Diaghilev fu determinante nella fondazione del gruppo e organizzare la sua prima Mostra a San Pietroburgo nel gennaio 1899. Il gruppo ha offerto un focus per sviluppi post-impressionista, simbolista ed estetica dell'arte russa, con particolare enfasi sulla storia e folklore della Russia. Artisti includevano Leon Bakst e Ivan Bilibin; i nuovi arrivati nell'esposizione finale del gruppo originale di 1906 includevano Alexei Jawlenski e Mikhail Larionov. Serie del gruppo delle mostre è stato rilanciato nel 1910 di Alexandre Benois e correva fino al 1924; nuovi membri includevano Chagall, Kandinsky, El Lissitzky e Tatlin.
Industry:Art history
Worpswede is a village set in beautiful countryside in Lower Saxony, Germany, near the city of Bremen. In 1889 the painters Fritz Mackensen, Otto Modersohn and Hans am Ende moved there and founded an artists colony. Worpswede painting was initially in the plein air tradition, but later embraced more modern tendencies particularly Expressionism. From the beginning they were closely connected with Carl Vinnen, who lived on his farm at Ostendorf, Bremerhaven. In 1892 they were joined by Fritz Overbeck, and in 1894 by Heinrich Vogeler. The most important early Worpswede artist is considered to be the pioneer Expressionist, Paula Modersohn-Becker, who moved there in 1898 and remained until her death in 1907. The poet Rainer Maria Rilke was a major literary figure who lived there from 1900-2. He wrote a book about the area in which he described it as 'a strange land. If one stands on the small sandy hill in Worpswede, one can see it spread out all around, like the farmer's cloths that show deep vivid flowers against a dark background. It lies flat, almost without a fold, and the paths and waterways lead far into the horizon. There a sky of indescribable variations and magnitude begins'. After the first phase, Worpswede continued to attract artists and today remains a focus for artistic and literary events.
Industry:Art history