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المجال: Art history
Number of terms: 11718
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Term that appeared in the early 1970s to describe a resurgence of particularly high fidelity realism in sculpture and painting at that time. Also called Super-Realism, and in painting is synonymous with Photo-Realism. In sculpture the outstanding practitioner was Duane Hanson, together with John de Andrea. More recently the work of Ron Mueck and some of that of Robert Gober could be seen as Hyper-Realist. Leading painters were Chuck Close, Robert Bechtle, Richard Estes, Audrey Flack, Ralph Goings.
Industry:Art history
Term History introduced by French Royal Academy in seventeenth century to describe the most important of the types, or genres, of painting. The others in descending order were portrait; genre (scenes of everyday life), landscape, and still life. Term History in fact covered subject matter drawn from ancient Greek and Roman (classical) history; classical mythology, and the Bible. Towards end eighteenth century modern historical subjects were introduced, for example in Britain by West and Copley. Style of History painting should be Grand Style and the result was known overall as High Art.
Industry:Art history
Bazen yeni zenci hareketi bilinen, Harlem Rönesans siyah sanat, edebiyat ve müzik ve özellikle, Harlem, New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri çiçekli 1920'lerde oldu. Onun baskın bir fikir sanat, edebiyat ve müzik üretim, 'Yeni zenci' sorun ırkçılık pervading ve beyaz topluluk stereotyping ve bu nedenle ırk entegrasyonu teşvik oldu. Hareket ile ilişkili Aaron Douglas ve Lois Mailon Jones dır.
Industry:Art history
Una delle avanguardie russe che hanno proliferato in Mosca e San Pietroburgo negli anni da circa 1910-20. Era l'invenzione di Michel Larionov e suo partner Natalya Goncharova nel 1912. Raggismo, o Rayism, era un'antica forma di arte astratta, basata sul paesaggio e consistente di interagire in modo dinamico lineare forma infine derivato dai raggi di luce. Della sua Rayonist pittura Nocturne Larionov più successivamente ha scritto: «questo dipinto è stato ispirato dal crepuscolo a Odessa. È un problema della combinazione di scale, interni ed esterni delle case e rappresenta la pressione del corpo di colore scuro sui toni semi-luce. Il problema di questo dipinto è di organizzare questi toni in un certo ordine. È il conflitto dei raggi di semi-luce con i raggi scuri. '
Industry:Art history
Until the nineteenth century Western art was dominated by the academic theory of History painting and High art (see also Grand manner). Then, the development of Naturalism began to go hand in hand with increasing emphasis on realism of subject, meaning subjects outside the high art tradition. The term Realism was coined by the French novelist Champfleury in the 1840s and in art was exemplified in the work of his friend the painter Courbet. In practice Realist subject matter meant scenes of peasant and working class life, the life of the city streets, cafes and popular entertainments, and an increasing frankness in the treatment of the body and sexual subjects. The term generally implies a certain grittiness of choice of subject. Such subject matter combined with the new naturalism of treatment caused shock among the predominantly upper and middle class audiences for art. Realism is also applied as a stylistic term to forms of sharply focused almost photographic painting irrespective of subject matter, e. G. Early Pre-Raphaelite work such as Millais' Ophelia. (See also Modern Realism).
Industry:Art history
The Salon des Réalités Nouvelles (new realities) was an exhibiting society devoted to pure abstract art founded in Paris in 1939 by Sonia Delaunay and others. After the interruption of the Second World War it was re-established in 1946 again with the help of Sonia Delaunay, and continues today. It provided in the post-war era the same focus for the purest tendencies in abstract art that Abstraction-Création had pre-war. The name reflects the fundamental idea that abstract art is a new reality because it does not refer to or imitate any existing reality.
Industry:Art history
The Rebel Art Centre was a short-lived affair, founded by Wyndham Lewis in London in March 1914 as a meeting place for artists to discuss revolutionary ideas and teach non-representational art. By the summer of 1914 the Centre, based at 38 Great Ormond Street in London, had closed down as a result of internal disputes. Yet, in those brief months, it had hosted an exhibition of sculptures by the prodigiously talented Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and a lecture by the writer Ezra Pound. Originally set up as a rival to Roger Fry's art and design collective Omega Workshops, the Rebel Art Centre pursued a hotly militant form of Futurism that was to become known as Vorticism. Its members numbered the Omega defectors Frederick Etchells, Cuthbert Hamilton and Edward Wadsworth and the painter Kate Lechmere. The centre featured geometric murals painted by Lewis and screens designed by Christopher Nevinson. Little collective art was produced at the centre, but it became the early headquarters of the Vorticists and the radical art publication Blast.
Industry:Art history
The recto is the front or face of a single sheet of paper, or the right-hand page of an open book. The back or underside of a single sheet of paper, or the left-hand page of an open book is known as the verso. The works illustrated each have paintings on both the recto and verso.
Industry:Art history
The Reformation was the reform of the Christian Church initiated by Martin Luther in Germany from about 1520 (when he was excommunicated) and resulting in the split of the church into Catholic and Protestant sects. In Britain the Reformation was brought about by Henry VIII. Protestantism was vehemently against all religious imagery and church decoration, and under Henry, and particularly his son Edward VI, the Reformation was followed by a comprehensive destruction, known as iconoclasm, of the rich medieval art and architecture of Britain. From then until the middle of the eighteenth century, art in Britain consisted almost exclusively of the purely secular form of portraiture. There were some exceptions (Post-Reformation).
Industry:Art history
Notoriamente amante del piacere principe George, il futuro George IV, divenne principe reggente nel 1811 e poi regnò dal 1820 al 1830. Il termine Regency tende ad essere applicato lo stile di mobili e arte decorativa prevalente durante tutto questo periodo. Esso è caratterizzato da elementi di classicismo combinate con influenze egiziane, cinesi e rococò francese. In architettura la gamma dello stile è esemplificata da Nash nel classicismo delle sue case a schiera a Regents Park, Londra e la fantasia orientale del suo Brighton Pavilion, costruito per il principe. Il grande pittore della reggenza (ma non del periodo complessivo, quando Blake, Constable e Turner erano tutti alla loro altezza) fu che insignito del cavalierato Lawrence, pittore del re dal 1792, 1815, che ha prodotto scintillante ma spesso tecnicamente carente ritratti delle figure più importanti della giornata. Viste più pungente del tempo trovato in vignette e caricature di Gillray e Rowlandson, che ha anche fatto disegni erotici per il principe.
Industry:Art history