Sony Music Entertainment
المجال: Music
Number of terms: 16969
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Sony Music Entertainment is one of the largest recorded music companies in the world, headquartered in NYC with offices worldwide. Labels include Burgundy Victor, Columbia, Epic, J-Records, Legacy, Masterworks, Nashville, Provident, RCA Records, Sony Latin, Zomba/Jive.
Męski głos o umiarkowanie niski zakres.
Long-necked plucked chordophone of northern India, with movable frets and a rounded gourd body; used as solo instrument and with tabla.
Współczynnik prędkości lub tempa muzyki. Oznaczenia tempa tradycyjnie podane w języku włoskim; wspólne oznakowanie to grób (uroczyste, bardzo, bardzo powoli); Largo (szerokie, bardzo powolny); Adagio (dość powolny); Andante (tempo spaceru); Moderato (umiarkowany); Allegro (szybki, wesoły); Vivace (żywy); Presto (bardzo szybko); accelerando (coraz szybciej); ritardando (coraz wolniej); i tempo (w czasie; powrót do oryginalnego tempo).
A type of electro-acoustic music in which computers assist in creating works through sound synthesis and manipulation.
Percussion instrument consisting of a hemispheric copper shell with a head of plastic or calfskin, held in place by a metal ring and played with soft or hard padded sticks. A pedal mechanism changes the tension of the head, and with it the pitch. Also kettledrums.
Third section of sonata-allegro form, in which the thematic material of the exposition is restated, generally in the tonic. Also restatement.
A pair of small drums of differing pitches, held between the legs and struck with both hands, of Afro-Cuban origin.
Small metal end-blown flute commonly used in Irish traditional music.
Solo vocal declamation that follows the inflections of the text, often resulting in a disjunct vocal style; found in opera, cantata, and oratorio.
See bebop.