- المجال: Music
- Number of terms: 16969
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Sony Music Entertainment is one of the largest recorded music companies in the world, headquartered in NYC with offices worldwide. Labels include Burgundy Victor, Columbia, Epic, J-Records, Legacy, Masterworks, Nashville, Provident, RCA Records, Sony Latin, Zomba/Jive.
Una linea fluida, metriche, in cui il movimento è collegato alle inflessioni del testo, come nel canto gregoriano.
American popular singing style with raspy-voiced male singer accompanied by acoustic steel-string guitar; features melodic >A HREF="b.html#bluenote">blue notes over repeated bass patterns.
Piccola alterazione del passo di un intervallo microtonale. Vedi anche la nota blu.
Literally "adding flowers"; an embellishment style in Chinese music using various ornamental figures.
Categoria medievale degli strumenti morbidi, principalmente utilizzati occasioni indoor, distinguendolo da haut, o forte, strumenti.
Vierten Element der richtigen der Masse, in einem melismatische Stil gesungen, und trat in einer responsorialem Weise in die Solisten mit einem Chor abwechseln.
Monophone Melodie mit einer frei fließenden, nicht gemessene vocal Linie; liturgischen Gesang der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Auch Plainchant oder Plainsong.
Musica che parodie un altro lavoro o lavori, presentandoli in un nuovo stile o Guisa.