Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
المجال: Earth science
Number of terms: 26251
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
An international scientific society that fosters the transfer of knowledge and practices to sustain global soils. Based in Madison, WI, and founded in 1936, SSSA is the professional home for 6,000+ members dedicated to advancing the field of soil science. It provides information about soils in ...
Ultisols that have low or moderate amounts of organic carbon, are brownish or reddish throughout, and have an ustic soil moisture regime.
Industry:Earth science
The force per unit basal area required to push a cone penetrometer through a specified increment of soil.
Industry:Earth science
The process of soil material contracting to a lesser volume when subject to loss of water. * basic shrinkage phase (or zone) - The middle phase of soil shrinkage between the structural and residual shrinkage; it refers to the fundamental shrinkage process of a specified soil. * isotropic shrinkage - Shrinkage that occurs equally in all directions. * moisture ratio - Volume water per volume of soil (m3 m-3). * ped (shrinkage) - A naturally occurring unit of soil defined by surrounding lines of weakness; the smallest unit of natural soil with no internal shrinkage cracks. * residual shrinkage - Shrinkage that is less than volume water loss during the final stages of drying. * shrinkage characteristic - The relationship between the soil volume and volume of water contained in a specified soil mass or ped (m3 m-3). * shrinkage coefficient - The change in soil bulk volume with change in mass water content at a constant stress; also equivalent to, the rate of change in void ratio with moisture ratio at a constant stress. * structural shrinkage - Shrinkage that is less than volume water loss due to water drainage from macropores at high soil water content. * surface subsidence - See shrinkage, soil, vertical shrinkage. * swelling hysteresis - See hysteresis. * unidimensional shrinkage or 1-D shrinkage - Shrinkage that occurs exclusively in the vertical direction. * unitary shrinkage - Shrinkage which is equivalent to the change in water volume. * vertical shrinkage - The shrinkage-induced length change of a soil in the vertical direction, also called surface subsidence if it occurs exclusively at the soil surface.
Industry:Earth science
The law governing flow in an individual tube or pipe in which the flow rate is proportional to the product fo the pressure drop per unit distance and the tube radius to the fourth power.
Industry:Earth science
The proportionality factor in Fourier's Law that represents the ability of soil to conduct heat and is equivalent to the thermal flux per unit temperature gradient.
Industry:Earth science
Transported and deposited particles or aggregates derived from rocks, soil, or biological material.
Industry:Earth science
Ultisols that are saturated with water for periods long enough to limit their use for most crops other than pasture or woodland unless they are artificially drained. Aquults have mottles, iron-manganese concretions or gray colors immediately below the A1 or Ap horizons and gray colors in the argillic horizon.
Industry:Earth science
The time difference between the maximum temperature at one depth and the maximum temperature at a second depth.
Industry:Earth science
The state in which soil is under positive soil water pressure but is not fully saturated due to entrapped air.
Industry:Earth science
The theory and practice of crop production and soil management.
Industry:Earth science