U.S. Energy Information Administration
المجال: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
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Electric en¬ergy lost due to the transmission and distribution of electricity. Much of the loss is thermal in nature.
The direct nonprocessend use that includes energy used in vehicles and transportation equipment that primarily consume energy within the boundaries of the establishment. Energy used in vehicles that are found primarily offsite, such as delivery trucks, is not measured by the MECS (an EIA survey).
The amount of foreign-origin uranium material that enters the United States during a survey year as reported on the "Uranium Industry Annual Survey (UIAS), Form EIA-858, as purchases of uranium ore, U3O8, natural UF6, or enriched UF6. The amount of foreign-origin uranium materials that enter the country during a survey year under other types of contracts, i.e., loans and exchanges, is excluded.
Silicon cells with a well-ordered crystalline structure consisting of one crystal (usually obtained by means of the Czochralsky growth technique and involving in got slicing), composing a module. Ribbon silicon is excluded.
An umbrella term for oil and natural gas that is produced by means that do not meet the criteria for conventional production. See Conventional oil and natural gas production. Note: What has qualified as "unconventional" at any particular time is a complex interactive function of resource characteristics, the available exploration and production technologies, the current economic environment, and the scale, frequency, and duration of production from the resource. Perceptions of these factors inevitably change over time and they often differ among users of the term. For these reasons, the scope of this term will be expressly stated in any EIA publication that uses it. For example, see International Energy Outlook, Table E4 for the list it currently uses for unconventional oil and natural gas production.
These are also known as "ultrasonic switchers." When movement is detected, the lights are turned on and remain on as long as there is movement in the room.
The volumes of crude oil that are extracted from oil reservoirs. These volumes are determined through measurement of the volumes delivered from lease storage tanks orat the point of custody transfer, with adjustment for (1) net differences between opening and closing lease inventories and (2) basic sediment and water. Crude oil used on the lease is considered production.
To aggregate contracts into one pool, which then offers shares for sale in the investment market. This strategy diversifies project risks from what they would be if each project were financed individually, thereby reducing the cost of financing.
A conductor used to transport electricity from generating stations to load.
Natural gas that is sold (and transported) to the end user by the company making final delivery of the gas to the end user. Companies that make final delivery of natural gas are typically local distribution companies or pipeline companies.