- المجال: Chemistry
- Number of terms: 391
- Number of blossaries: 0
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A substance that penetrates the inner structure of another, used to remove or extract one of the compounds of a mixed stream. The component is subsequently separated from the absorbent, usually by distillation.
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene copolymer. A group of tough, rigid thermoplastics derived from the monomers in the name. Uses include automobile and boat parts and fittings, business machines, packaging and other articles.
A compound, usually organic, that greatly reduces the time for a reaction to take place.
สาร โดยทั่วไปในสถานะของเหลว ความสามารถในการยุบของสารอื่น สารเคมีหรือสารทำละลายที่ทำจากสารเคมีประกอบ (เช่นเอทิลีน โพรพิลีน และ butene) โครงสร้างของโมเลกุลที่กำหนดไว้ และพวกเขาจะขายตามข้อกำหนดของพวกเขา
Bir monomer, propilen veya asetilen HCN ile reaksiyon çoğunlukla türetilmiş. Fiber, plastik ve kauçuk sanayii içinde kullanılan anahtar malzeme bu.
Başka kaldırmak veya bir karışık akış bileşiklerin ayıklamak için kullanılan iç yapısına nüfuz bir madde. Bileşen sonradan emici, genellikle damıtma tarafından ayrılır.
Genellikle organik bir bileşik bu büyük ölçüde gerçekleşecek bir tepki süresini azaltır.
Ayrımsal damıtma Kömür katranı hafif yağ veya katalitik petrol reform tarafından kurulan yüksek oktanlı aromatik ürün. Rafine ürünleri sektöründe bir oktan artırıcı olarak kullanılır. Kimya endüstrisinde, toluen, benzen, Ksilen, p-Ksilen ve solventler için bir ham malzemesidir.
Isı veya basınç uygulama tarafından resoftened ve solventler çözünmüş polimerler.