Bradford White Corporation
المجال: Household appliances
Number of terms: 1120
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
A measure of a product's ability to utilize input energy; expressed as a percentage.
Industry:Household appliances
The boiling point refers to the temperature at which a liquid changes to vapor by the addition of heat.
Industry:Household appliances
A system where the incoming cold water supply has a device that will not allow water to expand when heated (i.e. check valve, back-flow preventer, some pressure reducing valves, water meters).
Industry:Household appliances
The location where combustion takes place.
Industry:Household appliances
Gases released when a gaseous, liquid or solid fuel reacts at an elevated level that needs to be vented with gas or oil-fired water heaters.
Industry:Household appliances
Demand for more water usage than in a single family dwelling.
Industry:Household appliances
Excessive water vapor formed at low combustion gas temperatures.
Industry:Household appliances
The number of times per second, measured in Hertz (Hz), that a conductor carrying A.C. returns to the same frequency; generally 60Hz cycle A.C. is supplied.
Industry:Household appliances
The cost of operating a water heater for a year.
Industry:Household appliances
The average temperature of the atmosphere in the vicinity of an appliance.
Industry:Household appliances