- المجال: Financial services
- Number of terms: 73910
- Number of blossaries: 1
- Company Profile:
World's leading financial information-service, news, and media company.
The direct exchange of information electronically, from one firm's computer to another firm's computer in a structured format.
Industry:Financial services
The transfer of funds between bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.
Industry:Financial services
Transfer of funds electronically rather than by check or cash. The Federal Reserve's Fedwire and automated clearninghouse services are EFT systems.
Industry:Financial services
A variety of systems and technologies for transferring funds (money) electronically rather than by check. Includes Fedwire, automated clearringhouses (ACHs) and other automated systems.
Industry:Financial services
A transporter of goods which allows tracking of goods in transit electronically using a waybill number such as United Parcel, Federal Express, etc.
Industry:Financial services
An index based on the average yield of 11 municipal bonds that mature in 20 years and carry an average AA rating. The eleven bonds used to calculate the index are also found in the 20 bond index, which serves as a benchmark in tracking municipal bond yields.
Industry:Financial services
In the BA market, an acceptance may be referred to as eligible because it is acceptable by the Fed as collateral at the discount window and/or because the accepting bank can sell it without incurring a reserve requirement.
Industry:Financial services
Technical market timing strategy that predicts price movements on the basis of historical price wave patterns and their underlying psychological motives. Robert Prechter is a famous Elliott Wave theorist.
Industry:Financial services
A term the host uses to refer to guests on the PBS television show, "Wall Street Week", who are technical analysts attempting to predict the direction of stock prices over the next six months.
Industry:Financial services