- المجال: Education
- Number of terms: 4017
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A set of soft overlapping flaps, covered up by a plate on the abdomen, through which oxygen is taken up and carbon dioxide given off. Characteristic of many terrestrial arachnids such as scorpions and spiders.
Fluid which circulates throughout the body of an animal, distributing nutrients, and often oxygen as well.
Arthropod appendages that are biramous have two branches, an outer branch and an inner branch. These branches may have separate functions; in crustaceans, for instance, the inner branch of a leg is used for walking, while the outer branch may be paddle-shaped or feathery and often functions as a gill. Contrast with uniramous.
A vertebrate distinguished by a skull with no openings in the side behind the eyes, e.g. turtles.
End of the digestive tract, or gut, through which waste products of digestion are excreted, as distinct from the mouth.
An egg that can be laid on land due to the presence of a fluid-filled amniotic sac (amnion) that cushions and protects the developing embryo. amniote - n. Any of a group of land-dwelling vertebrates that have an amnion during embryonic development, including reptiles, birds, and mammals. Most extant mammals give live birth, the egg being retained inside the body during gestation.
Depositi cristallini o minerali trovati in spugne, tunicati o cetrioli di mare. Sono componenti strutturali in molte spugne e può servire una funzione protettiva in altri organismi.
In insetti e alcuni altri artropodi terrestri, una piccola apertura attraverso la quale aria si tenga le trachee. Gli insetti hanno parecchi spiracoli, disposti lungo i lati dell'addome.