الصفحة الرئيسية > Blossary: Information Technology
The entire spectrum of technologies for information processing, including software, hardware, communications technologies and related services. In general, information technology (IT) does not include embedded technologies that do not generate data for enterprise use.

الفئة: Technology

Company: Gartner

1778 Terms

Created by: consultant

Number of Blossarys: 2

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A compact disc-rewritable (CD-RW) drive permits the user to back up data to compact discs (CDs).

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

The combination of a compressor at one point in a communications path, for reducing the volume range of signals, followed by an expandor at another point, for restoring the original volume range. It ...

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

Gartner’s CORE risk assessment and reporting steps are used to define business operational risks, to report risks to management, investors, regulators and customers in a consistent form, and to ...

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

An organizational structure used to coordinate IT skills with an enterprise. Competency centers provide expertise for project or program support, acting both as repositories of knowledge and resource ...

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

Competitive intelligence (CI) is the analysis of an enterprise’s marketplace to understand what is happening, what will happen and what it means to the enterprise. CI business goals may be offensive ...

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

A semiconductor technology that uses less power and generates less heat (enabling higher circuit density), but is typically slower than bipolar technologies.

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) are used in mobile devices and are capable of providing up to two watts of output power (28 to 33 decibels ...

Domain: Technology; المجال/التخصص: Information technology

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A computing practice whereby scalable and elastic ...

المجال/التخصص: Technology

By: consultant