Category: Technology
Created by: rufaro9102
Number of Blossarys: 41
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Holt was highly regarded designer, who was skeptical of joining Apple initially. But, in "Return To Magic Kingdom," he says Steve Jobs "conned" him into taking the job. Holt was a communist who helped developed the power supply for the Apple II. Michael Scott told us, "One thing Holt has to his credit is that he created the switching power supply that allowed us to do a very lightweight computer compared to everybody else's that used transformers." After six years at Apple, Holt says he was pushed out of the company by new management.
Holt bija augsti cienījamai dizainers, kurš bija skeptiski par pievienošanos Apple sākotnēji. Bet "Atgriešanās uz burvju valstībā," viņš saka, Steve Jobs "conned" viņam nodarboties ar šo darbu. Holt bija komunists, kurš palīdzēja attīstīt Apple II barošanas blokam. Michael Scott pastāstīja "Holt ir viņa kredītu viena lieta ir tas, ka viņš izveidots pārslēdzama elektroenerģijas padeves, kas ļāva mums darīt ļoti viegls datoru, salīdzinot ar visiem pārējiem ' s, kas izmanto Transformatori." pēc sešiem gadiem pie Apple, Holt saka viņu nogrūda no uzņēmuma jaunā vadība.