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Arts TermsAdd a term

Леонардо да Винч

Arts & crafts; Oil painting

Leonardo da Vinci is a master dabbled in many mediums such ...

Мона Лиза

Arts & crafts; Oil painting

The Mona Lisa is widely recognized as one of the most ...

Travel TermsAdd a term


Travel; Travel sites

Говедерник е име на врв, бачило и карстно поле, кое се ...


Tourism & hospitality; Tourist attractions

Највисок врв на планината Бистра, со висина од 2163 метри. ...


Travel; Cruise

The yen is the official currency of Japan; it is the third ...


Geography; Geography

Бистра е млада верижна планина во западниот дел на ...

Featured blossariesStart a blossary

Breaza - Prahova County, Romania

Category: Travel   1 6 Terms

Character Archetypes

Category: Arts   1 20 Terms

Knitting Designers

Category: Arts   2 20 Terms