المجال: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
(1) A company's debts appearing on the liabilities side of its balance sheet. The liquidity requirements of Swiss banking legislation draw a distinction between short-term liabilities, which include those repayable on demand or often within one month, and total liabilities, consisting of all liabilities vis-à-vis third parties (including any provisions required). Frequently used as a synonym for obligations. (2) The obligations of a business to its creditors, suppliers, customers, etc, as distinguished from those to its proprietors, partners or shareholders. Liabilities can be short-tem, medium-term or long-term. Opposite: assets.
Irrevocable commitment of a bank to make payment if a third party fails to supply specific goods or services. Main types of bank guarantee: bid bond, performance bond, advance payment guarantee, payment guarantee and credit guarantee.
Term referring to a bank with a special status within an underwriting syndicate, e.g. by taking on a larger allocation of the issue.
Safeguard for customer claims in the event of a bank filing for bankruptcy. According to Art. 37b of Switzerland's Banking Law, certain claims are privileged in bankruptcy up to an amount of CHF 100,000. Under a private law agreement between the banks, the latter would advance the amount of these privileged claims in the event of a bankruptcy.
Infiltration of illegally acquired assets into the legal financial system. Generally, a distinction is made between three phases of laundering: (1) Feeding money of criminal origin into the financial system. (2) Masking the origin of funds by frequently transferring and converting. (3) Reintegrating the funds into the legal economy. See also money laundering law.
Move by a corporation (joint stock company) to raise its capital stock (share capital) by issuing additional shares or participation certificates.
Component of the Swiss Exchange system which matches bids and offers in the order book to bring about trades.
Price of a security which is equal to its nominal or face value.
(1) Synonym for licence fee. (2) Remuneration for the assignment of land with exploitable raw materials (coal, oil, etc.) paid by the licensee to the owner of the land.
French term for flat; without accrued interest. Expression used in the trading of fixed-interest securities to indicate that the price of the security includes current interest and any future interest income not yet paid (tel quel price). This price is quoted on the Swiss Exchange for dual currency bonds and bond issues in default.